You can make a serial connection between your Nokia phone and your
Infrared-equipped laptop or desktop PC. Once you establish this IR
connection, you can access your phone’s information from your PC,
or use your phone as a wireless modem.

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Nokia PC Suite
You can use the various components of Nokia PC Suite to do the following:
Make a backup copy of personal data such as contacts and calendar
information from your phone to another phone or PC (Content Copier).
Note: If you already have a Nokia phone, you can copy your names
and numbers to the 8390 with Content Copier. Compatible phones
include the Nokia 5190, 6190, 8290, 8890, 7160, 7190, 6360, 3320
and 3360.
Edit phone book names and numbers, profiles, and settings via your
PC’s keyboard (Phone editor).
Create new ringing tones and send them to your phone (PC Composer).
Synchronize your phone’s contacts and calendar items with applications
such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, and Lotus Notes (PC Sync).
Compose new graphics and transfer from your PC to your phone
(PC Graphics).
Instructions for PC Suite installation and setup, as well as the PC/PDA
connectivity guide are available as part of the software download.
Wireless modem setup
You can use your Nokia phone as a wireless modem with your laptop
computer, giving you access to the Internet (for e-mail and Web browsing)
or corporate networks wherever you are.
For more information on wireless modem setup, please refer to the PC/
PDA connectivity guide. This document can be downloaded from the
Nokia website.
Download Nokia PC Suite and Modem Setup
Both of these applications are provided free of charge, and are available
for download from:

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Your phone and other devices